
Parish Priest, Dr Barry M Craig

At a glance

Malanda Parish includes St James in Malanda (map), Our Lady of Consolation & St Patrick in Yungaburra (map), and St Rita of Cascia in Millaa Millaa (map).

For Mass times: liturgy calendar.

PDF of latest Sunday bulletin

Parish Office: 5 Monash Ave, Malanda; ph (07) 4096 5156.

The Malanda Parish sacramental registers and most office functions are handled in the Atherton Parish Office, 28 Mabel Street, Atherton: ph (07) 4046 5200.

Fr Barry is on Sabbatical leave June – September 2024.

During his absence Fr Karel Duivenvoorden will fill in.

Rev Dr Barry M Craig


Born in New Zealand in 1962, he went through primary school there (1967-1971) and in Papua New Guinea (1971-1974), and secondary school at St Augustine’s College, Cairns (1975-1979). He studied at Pius XII Seminary, Brisbane (1980-1986), served as a deacon in Parish of Tully. He was ordained to the presbyterate of the Diocese of Cairns in 1987, and served variously in Cairns, Mourilyan–South Johnstone, Thursday Island, and Mossman & Port Douglas, and since April 2014 in Malanda.

Post-graduate studies were undertaken at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute (Sant’Anselmo) in Rome, in 1997–2002, gaining a License in Sacred Liturgy in 2001, and, after returning to Australia in 2002 to assist in parishes while researching and writing, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the history of the Roman fraction rite in March 2008.

Professional memberships:
Societas Liturgica
Australian Academy of Liturgy
Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society
Association Internationale d’Études Patristiques / International Association of Patristic Studies
The North American Patristics Society
Society of Biblical Literature

2010-2018 National Liturgical Council (Australia).
Consultant to the National Liturgical Council

The primary scope of current research covers a detailed analysis of the eucharistic institution narratives in Greek, Syriac, Coptic, Armenian and Latin (as well as Ethiopian via translation), through all ancient sources (Scripture, Apocrypha, and Patristic writings) and their development in the anaphoras.

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Book cover; detail from Eucharistic Meal, by Polycarp Uehlein OSB.Fractio Panis: A History of the Breaking of Bread in the Roman Rite,
Studia Anselmiana 151/Analecta Liturgica 29,
(Rome: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo [Sankt Ottilien: EOS], 2011).
ISBN 13: 978-3-8306-7426-9.
National Library of Australia, Trove entry: 153052857.

Book cover; St Mary’s of Port Douglas: As it came to pass.St Mary’s of Port Douglas: As it came to pass,
eds Annette Anich, Sr Pat O’Shea and Helen Whyte,
(Mossman: Aedis Deiparae Scriptorium, 2012).
ISBN 13: 978-0-9873745-0-9
National Library of Australia, Trove entry: 170883148.

Refereed articles

“The Breaking of Bread and the Eucharistic Prayer,” in Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol 3, Liturgy and Life, eds Bronwen Neil, Geoffrey D. Dunn and Lawrence Cross (Strathfield: St Paul’s, 2003), 133-145.

“Gathering Angels at the Breaking of Bread,” in Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol 4, The Spiritual Life, eds Wendy Mayer, Pauline Allen and Lawrence Cross (Strathfield: St Paul’s, 2006), 113-131.

“Potency, not Preciousness: Cyprian’s Cup and a Modern Controversy”, Worship 81 (2007) 290-313.

“Gathering Angels, and Welcoming Abraham”, in Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol 5, Poverty and Riches, eds Geoffrey D. Dunn, David Luckensmeyer, and Lawrence Cross (Strathfield: St Paul’s, 2009), 364-369.

“Non Sum Dignus/Digna: Pressing Out the Female Voice”, in Early Christian Studies Series, vol 18, Men and Women in the Early Christian Centuries, eds Wendy Mayer and Ian J. Elmer, (Strathfield: St Pauls Publications, 2014), pages 373-389.

“He lifted to you? Lost and gained in translation”, in Studia Patristica, XCII, Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015, vol 18, Liturgia and Tractatus Symboli (etc), ed Markus Vincent, (Leuven-Paris-Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2017), pages 57-64.

“His multi-lauded hands: Origin and evolution of the hand element in liturgical Institution Narratives”, forthcoming in Studia Patristica, Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019.