
Celestial sights

Appulse: 2 bodies appear at their closest to each other.

Conjunction: 2 bodies pass each other on the same ecliptic longitude.

HST: Hubble Space Telescope

ISS: International Space Station

Occultation: a body is hidden behind or covered by another.

Opposition: a body is opposite the Sun; we are in between. Used especially of planets.

Transit: a smaller body passes directly in front of a larger one.

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Erratically, if time permits, details of ISS and HST visible passes may be included, usually based on viewing from St James, Malanda, unless otherwise noted.

Psalm 18(19):1-4

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God
and the firmament shows forth the work of his hands.
Day unto day takes up the story,
and night unto night makes known the message.

No speech, no word, no voice is heard,
yet their span extends through all the earth,
their message to the utmost bounds of the world.”