At a glance
We have three churches, St James, Malanda (map), Our Lady of Consolation & St Patrick, Yungaburra (map), and St Rita of Cascia, Millaa Millaa (map).
For Mass times: liturgy calendar.
PDF of latest Sunday bulletin
Parish Office: 5 Monash Ave, Malanda; ph (07) 4096 5156.
The Malanda Parish sacramental registers and most office functions are handled in the Atherton Parish Office, 28 Mabel Street, Atherton: ph (07) 4046 5200.
This shows scheduled public events in the Malanda Parish, including relevant events in the Secular calendar (such as public holidays). Change the view to suit yourself with the drop-down menu in the top right corner: list (Schedule), Week (default view), Month.
To subscribe directly to the calendar, click on the "Add to Google Calendar" in the line above.